[vc_row][vc_column][stm_call_to_action cta_border_color=”blue” cta_bg_color=”midnight” title=”Apply for Admission” img_id=”2464″ btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2Fw3Z31avGPMyUHWhZ8|title:Apply%20Now||”]Admissions for session 2022-2023 is open![/stm_call_to_action][stm_spacing lg_spacing=”20″ md_spacing=”10″ sm_spacing=”10″ xs_spacing=”10″][vc_column_text]
We consider each applicant to BLS Gurukul as a whole person and put enormous care into evaluating every application. Thank you for considering applying to Dr Banwari Lal Sharma Gurukul. We value your decision in enhancing education and the future. Please note, not all qualified applicants will have the opportunity to enroll. The selection is not guaranteed. Please review the Admissions Considerations given below, before beginning the application.
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1. Our annual admissions for new students are for Preschool, Nursery classes only. New students for other classes may apply for all class levels except Classes X and XII. For classes Preschool to Class IX, the number of openings depends entirely upon available vacancies.
2. Admissions are open to the nursery for children who complete 4 years on 1 April academic year.
3. A sibling currently enrolled as a student in college does not guarantee admission of a candidate.
4. The College states categorically that it does not accept donations or contributions (monetary or in-kind) for admissions.
5. No person or group is authorized to collect or receive donations or any kind of compensation for admissions. Any such solicitation must be reported to the school Principal immediately.
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9. The principal reserves the right to admit or to refuse admission to anybody at any time without assigning any reason for his action.
10. In case of vacancies in higher classes, No admission will be done unless a Transfer Certificate from a recognized school is submitted. Those coming from outside the District should have their T.C. countersigned by the competent Educational Authority of that place.
11. The important condition for admission is that the parents / Guardians comply strictly with the school rules and regulations, cooperate with the school for the welfare of the institution, give sufficient time and care for their wards even after the admissions are over.
12. The date of birth of a student once entered in the records will not be changed.
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6. The Principal views with great distaste any form of influence used for getting your child admitted at Gurukul. This includes letters of recommendation from eminent persons, personal contacts, courtesy calls, and any reference to personal acquaintance and friendships.
7. Please note that while courtesy shall be extended, it would not be in the interest of the candidate for any kind of benign influence to be exercised.
8. Application forms will be made available online at the college website and the college office on 1 January every year. The Application forms should be submitted online by a specified date/notified at the website.
The Application form should be submitted along with:
(A) An attested copy of date of birth certificate form: Nagar Palika OR The Maternity hospital
(B) Latest passport-size colored photographs.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”3117″ img_size=”600*500″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]