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Welcome to BLS Gurukul
Thank you for choosing BLS Gurukul for your child. I am working to create an environment where learning will proceed best in the way of self-motivation and children enjoy doing and exploring new knowledge. I hope, with the cooperation and coordination of parents, I’ll be able to”Spread of light” at the heart of everything we do in the school. The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.
Intelligence is a gift of nature that is nurtured by the social and emotional environment created and the outcome is simply how one perceives.
A pivot role of education lies in shaping the personality of a child into a healthy mind and happy soul, who is not only equipped for academic excellence but helping to face the challenges of life in a balanced and harmonic way. Education works as a catalyst where inherent talent is been sharpen by the innovative invisible environment. The individual care strengths potential embedded in the learning experiences emanates our rich sociocultural roots. We focus on enterprise to map academic excellence with a good human value system, which is myriad ways in ingrained in the culture of the school.
I really enjoy each day coming to school with an adventure filled with new experiences, learning for all, and a chance to constantly widen horizons. “We work together and learn together”, and believe in children’s latent potential thus we plan to give opportunities for exploration and innovation. We believe that our children will be responsible, resilient, and confident citizen and become a productive members of society.
We offer clubs, activities sports and a large variety of musical venture that our students can participate in.
I am committed to contribute my share to the society and nation and I firmly believe in constructive approach an well as a quote of Indian heart-
“Karmanye vadhikaraste ma faleshu kadachana.”
Thank you
Principal Desk
Poonam Kumari
Principal, BLS Gurukul
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You are what you do, not what you say.
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